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admin 发表于 2022-04-17 19:57:05 | 上一主题 下一主题

CURRICULUM VITAEChinese Name: Yuan Chuan Zheng中文姓名:郑渊川English Name: Allan英文名:AllanDate of Brith:17th July,1976出生年月:1976年7月17日Marital status: Married婚姻状况:已婚Sex: Male性别:男 Permanent Address:Dong Shan Town District HaiKou City Hainan Province 家庭住址:海南省海口市秀英区东山镇城西村委会新岭冲 海南海口市琼山区朱云路府城社区居委会大楼 Job Objective: Executive Chef应聘职务:行政总厨Salary expectation: Personally talk 恋之南Education 学习及培训经历: National secondary western-style technician2020.08--2021.5 中国烹饪餐饮协会素食委员会,高级素食名厨委员。

国家一级高级技师 2015.10—2016.1 National secondary western-style technician2015.10—2016.1 国家二级西式技师2009.1—2009.4 :National senior nutrition services2009.1.—2009.4 国家高级公共营养师职业资格证书2007.9—2007.12 Guangdong High-Grade Western Style Cook 广东省高级西式烹调师职业资格2006.5—2006.9 I obtained the Management Certificate from the Starwood Hotel Group Management Academy 荣获喜达屋管理学院证书2002.9—2003.3 I had been trained in all of kitchen at the Mandarin hotel Singapore for six months02年9月到3月份在新加坡文华大酒店总部各厨房培训共6个月1992—1995: I graduate from the first Tunchang High School in Hainan province 海南省屯昌中学高中毕业 Working Experience工作简历:2021.1 ------ 至今 Executive chef of International Exchange Center of Hainan University, Hainan Province2021.1 ------ 至今 海南省海南大学国际交流中心任职行政总厨2019.8--------2021.1 Production Training Director of xianyu management company in shenzhen, Guangdong2019.8--------2021.1 广东省深圳市gaga鲜语管理公司任职出品培训总监2018.6------- 2019.8 Hainan haikou Juzhi Herton Hotel ba Eecufive2018.6------- 2019.8 海南南海口巨制荷泰大酒店任职行政总厨2017.8------ 2018.7 Hainan haikou gold seaview hotel Sous chef2017.8-------- 2018.7 海南海口黄金海景大酒店任职厨师长2016.10------2017.9 Preparation for the new opening hainan Jing Ting Seaview Pesort Eecutive Chef2016.9-------2017.9 筹备海南海口景廷度假酒店任职行政厨师长2014.11------2016.9 Preparation for the new opening Sanya Jinghai Internatlonal ba Eecutive Chef2014.11------2016.9 筹备开张海南省三亚市三亚湾京海国际假日酒店任职行政总厨(中西厨房)2014.5--------2014.11 Hainan Days Hotel & Suites Shimei Bay Executive Chef2014.5--------2014.11 海南中奥戴斯温泉酒店任职行政总厨(中、西、管事)2013.6--------2014.5 Hainan Hilton worldwide double tree by holton Sanya halting bay Western Sous chef2013.6--------2014.5 海南万达三亚海棠湾希尔顿逸林酒店任职厨师长2012.9--------2013.6 Preparation for the new opening hainan boao bay

hotel in the Executive Chef and food and beverage department manager2012.9--------2013.6 筹备开张海南博鳌亚洲湾大酒店任职总厨兼餐饮部经理2011.5.1-----2012.9 Talent Bank International Hospitality Training Centre in Culinary Trainer (University of Electronic&Technology Zhongshan College Guangdong China) 2011.5.1----2012.9 才库亚洲国际酒店培训中心任职西餐厨艺培训师(广东中山电子科技大学中山学院)2007.12------2011.4.30 I am working for The Asia-Pacific International Club GuangZhou,where as Asia culinary station Sous Chef And Western Sous Chef2007.12-----2011.5.1: 筹备新开业广州亚太国际俱乐部并任亚洲厨师长兼在09年起兼西厨厨师长管理整个厨房2007 .01—2007.12 I worked at the Sheraton Hotel Futian District Shenzhen as sous chef in Asian kitchen and Western kitchen2007.01—2007.12 筹备新开业深圳喜来登大酒店并任西厨房及亚洲菜厨师长 2004.08—2007.01 I pre-opening the Asian kitchen there as Senior Chef de Partie in the Panash kitchen at the Four points Sheraton Shenzhen Hotel2004.08—2007.01 筹备深圳市福朋喜来登大酒店开业任泛亚厨房高级主管 1997.04—2004.08: I worked for Hainan Mandarin Hotel , As Chef de Partie in Western Kitchen and Asian Kitchen筹备海南省海口市文华大酒店并在任西餐及东南亚菜主管1995.12—1997.03: I am worked in Western kitchen of Overseas Hotel Haikou,As the commis in the hotel1995.12 -----1997.03 海南省海口市机场东海外大酒店西厨厨师Language 语言能力:professional English in kitchen and basic dialogue英语,初级(厨房专业用语及日常用语)


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